
The Ludus of Batiatus
color=ffffff]Various ludi within the city of Capua where Gladiators are trained.[/color]
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Saturnalia by donar
Aug 16, 2019 17:17:30 GMT
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Home of the rich citizens of Capua.
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The Old Arena
Where the games are held.[/center]
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Where vendors and merchants can be found selling, and citizens can be found buying.[/center]
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Where those who seek drink and pleasure go.[/center]
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A brutal and lawless fighting underground arena where shamed individuals go and others place their bets.[/center]
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Under the streets of Capua, where waste is disposed of and others find isolation.[/center]
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Agron Avatar
A Broken Heart That's Still Beating by Agron
Jul 23, 2017 4:02:41 GMT

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A major city in the Republic of Rome known for it's arena and Gladiatorial games.
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